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Showing posts from 2009

interesting wording on #cnn

I find it interesting that #cnn was saying; meeting of the leaders of the worlds most powerfull democracy (usa) and the world largest (india), rather then leaving out the word democracy... Could it be that they recon china is the most powerful nation in the world? I'm just saying... That's what I think anyway

Ett årsdag m mer

Lørdag skravlet jeg med broderen på mobil og nina snakket med hans forlovede på skype. Tidligere på dagen hadde nina vert med hennes far noen ærender i stavanger svigers kjøpte seg en ny LG plasma tv og vi fikk den ikke så veldig gammle toshiba lcd flatskjermen. Jeg spillet en runde uncharted 2 med og gleder meg nå som en unge til den kommer ut på playstation 3. Dagene etter stod nina på og ordnet smørbrød og ostekake men mer om det i en egen post. ^mr

From Paranoid Android to Social socialite Celeb

So what happened to with the paranoid android who wouldn't share squad on the web? Well, I figured if I was going to share stuff I might do it properly... So now if yo dig a little bit around you can find me present on about every social network there is :). It's not about being an attention craving megalomaniac (or maybe it's a bit about that) - it's for most part about a genuine love for tech; not tech in itself; but the possibilities it enables people with, when it comes to social interactions. I've always voiced my opinion about stuff, to whoever friend or family member (unlucky) enough to be standing within my reach, so now I bring it out to the masses instead...'s also of course business as usual - in today's media and tech landscape you are your own brand, and more then ever the possibilities are endless; so to stay relevant you either embrace it, or you don't.... I still will give lectures to whoever unlucky friend I can grab hold of on any...


ikke så mye nytt. Nina har vert en del syk / slapp lurer nesten på om det er h1n1 eller borellia. Ellers ble det ikke noe spa på oss sensommer men snart er det tur til telemark. Vi var i haugesund for ca en uke siden og besøkte mamma som er blitt kne opprert. Helgen som var,var dicte hjemme på perm og lørdag var thomas på besøk. ...og snart er det jul. Har hørt nyss om at lillebror med følge kommer denne vegen da.da.



Listening to No Agenda

Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak are running a great podcast called No Agenda Which is about an hour to an hour and a half long, and it's published twice a week. As the name suggest they don't have an agenda, but conspiracy and more are often topics.



My scrap/notebook full of ideas, drafts, and so on. Posted via Pixelpipe .


A Cute Little avatar I made , courtesey of Nokia Hong Kong =)