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are you Concerned about your online privacy?

nobody seems to give much thought to the fact that they are already listed a half dozen places on the web with or without their consent. From work contact lists, to public records that used to be far less public before the internet, to phonebooks, and various memberlists.... People get worked up when it comes to social media and such though.

We have taken a what might seem a very public approach with our almost all presence on the web, though I'm sure we in reality post less private information then some of those who think we do to much.

That's because many actually think a walled network like facebook actually is private, but gives little thought to who their friends friends are or what info their various games and apps pull. No system is perfect, if you are concerned about your privacy you should treat anything you post, anywhere as public.

Got any thoughts on the subject do comment or post a subject on our facebook page forum.

for iivo and nina

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