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microsoft kills live spaces blog

So microsoft is killing their blog platform on live spaces and offer the users to migrate to wordpress, I guess they're giving up on competing in the crowded social marked and are focusing their efforts on search, messenger, and office products online while ad hoc-ing on other social platforms. Ofcourse their not alone google's once mighty blogger has for some time been feeling the heat from competition offering esasier to use and for power users maybe more important easier to customize solutions.Less then a month ago both bloglines and vox where in the process of / announcing that their services would shut down. Okay bloglines is/was technically not a blog service but a rss feed reader that started on blogging popularity. Now I can see why six apart are closing vox as it might not make much sense operating serveral overlapping services, but on different platforms.Yahoo! Gave up their 360 blog platform awhile back now, but did not give up on offering blogging service entirely, but instead they've taking it back to basic, and put it on users pulse page. Giving the user the ability to control who can see each post making it more of an blog/journal thing.. It also collects every post the user makes across the yahoo network which I think it's nice.Is the future only social networks?I welcome your thoughts on the subject.

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